Monday, December 9, 2013


For thouse who may not know what HRT is it means hormone replacement therapy. The indevidual that beguns HRT well I know as MtF, I will take a testosterone blocker, the most comon is spiro, and and estrogen. There are 4 ways to take the estrogen, with pros and cons to each. Now I juggeled with this desision, what way to take them for a while. And it took talking to my gyne for me to make my disicion. I will make a list here of what I was lookinng at then tell you the disision and why at the end...... disclamer: I feel I need to add this, this is strictly my views based on information that I hade aquired from others. In no way is this based on scientific proof, well not that I know of at least.

Method 1, oral:
Dosage: veries taken dayly
Pro: lowest flucuation in hormone levels, better controle of hormone levels over the long term.
Con: procesed through the liver, hard on liver, increased production of clotting factors resulting in increased chance of DVT.

Method 2, sublingual:
Dosage: veries taken dayly
Pro: little fluctuation in hormone levels. Little controle over hormone levels. Not procesed through the liver.
Con: relys on obsorption under tounge.

Method 3, patch
Dosage: veries applied 3-5 days
Pro: not processed through the liver,
Con: larger dose, larger fluctuation in hormone levels,

Method 4, injection
Dosage: veries taked 1-2 weeks
Pro: not procesed through the liver
Con: greated fluctuation in hormone levels.

Well after talking to my gyne. I found out she really doesn't like proscribing injection because of the fluctuation. And with the advanced in medications the estrogen is much safer then I was originaly led to believe. So I am now on oral estrodial and spiro have been for almost 3 weeks, in latter posts I will fill you in on the last 3 weeks.